Sunday, January 10, 2010

super ruff comic

doodle impromptu comic super ruff. just a little break.. might clean it up later. for any of you that were curious what my ruffs looked like for dumm comics, this is probably a good example.

okay sorry for the crap

gotta get back to animating!


Chris_Garrison said...

So sweet. I think anyone who's a collector of any sort (which is everyone) can relate to this feeling.

David de Rooij said...

I would love to see this animated!

Bob Flynn said...

Nice one! You kept me entertained. Practically animated, really.

Anonymous said...

Nice one! Man, I miss your Dumm comic already! Why'd you stop anyway? Just time constraints?

tek! said...

ahahaha he collects dead birds!
great but simple pay-off, i love it!

Nico said...

oh my god this is so hilarious. So good to see David cartoons again. YAY!!!

WIL BRANCA said...

Nice crap!

callie! said...

good job dooder :)

X said...

Great crap!

Benjamin Arcand said...

SUPER funny drawings

Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kenny P. said...

I don't think I do this many drawings in a week! Also, I don't do this many funny drawings in a year! Plus, the word verification word is "fartievo." It's a perfect day.

Chi-chi said...

cute design!

mikecarloooyeah said...

Seriously dude, next time I am out west I am buying you a drink!

Rex said...

Hahah, good stuff!

For a second I thought he was putting him in the microwave to cook him!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how you call this "crap" when it's clearly a well thought-out, could easily be funny animation idea for the average joe.

But here you are shitting this amazing poses out like's it's breakfast and telling us you're now going back to "actual" animating.

Thanks for continuing to shaming us ;)

Gary Doodles said...

Ha! That was a random good time!


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