Wish WB would get their shit together and update their characters into something more "hip" that today's iphone stroking, ps3 playing, twitter following, youtube viewing generation can relate to.
another couple of weirdos from the latfh.com : crappy memory drawings of weird teenybopper girls at innout..the place where i ate my lunch today. I just wanted something with grilled onions. I did not expect the massive crowd of burbankian idiots to turn my lunch eating experience into a cramped, noisy, uncomfortable endeavor.
sorry for the crap crap crap drawings. better shit (or slightly less crappy stuff) coming soon.
looks like im sick again. oh well. stress and no sleep. i need to go shoot a machine gun and then run up a lot of stairs rocky style to wear off the stress HAAHAHAHAHA jk. i started laying out this motherfucker of a scene that im animating for my big cartoon. but im making progress.
some of these are from reference.. in fact from that site 2 or 3 people recommended me, latfh.comwhich just has a ton of pictures featuring stupid hipsters. great cartooning reference. others were inspired by real life. so its a combination. sometimes you don't need a website like that, when echo park is right down the street.
sorry guyz
a lot of these are crap. i'll try to post better shit next time.