Wednesday, July 21, 2010



Lester DiLorenzo said...

wicked. Love that nail in his shoe!

Jorge Garrido said...

This is the first time Goofy has looked actually goofy in a long time...

tek! said...

a loud 'ha-yuck!' escaped from my mouth
mission accomplished, sir!

Ricardo Cantoral said...

Dave *sigh* You sad man. You are so out of touch with todays kids. This is Goofy. The way God intended to be.

Mike Nassar said...

dude, nail in shoe and floppy adam's apple rule. great pose man. appealing kitten on a short skirt.

Anonymous said...

Now that's the real Goofy I know! Nice job man. Now I wanna see you do Flip the Frog and Betty Boop, two of the greatest cartoon characters ever.

Anonymous said...

Great job! That's the goofiest I've seen Goofy in years.

Benjamin Arcand said...

I really like your all your "classic characters" posts/drawings. They're awesome man!

DaveW said...

yeuh goof dogG.

Mitch Leeuwe said...

Love your work! Do you have some tips on how you get your own poses? I'm trying to make own poses but find it hard to come with my own poses.

warren said...

Good goddamn, Gemmill.

Way to make us all look bad by drawing so choice! Nice!


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