Tuesday, July 21, 2009



Nico said...

I think it's funny what you consider to be crap! All of these drawings and especially the girls are cute and sexxxay! Thank you for your cartoonz and your updatez David, we all LOVE EM!!! :D

Will Finn said...

nice. i like girls n' squirrels. great shapes and proportions.

joedude said...

Those squirrels are top notch. Are we going to see that comic next week?

Daisy Church said...

girls may be difficult to animate, but they're much fun with all that secondary movement! ;D

joedude said...

Also how long is your mega cartoon going to be? Can we see some previews? Mabey a few stills or rough animation? You've mentioned it for so long, can we at least know what it's about?

A.M.Bush said...

It's not crap if you draw good!

p.s. you draw good

chrisallison said...

hahahahahahaha nice squirrels dude!

Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea said...

Awesome, dude! If your updates are crap, mine are like the rotten corpse of a dog who has minutes previously ingested lethal, yellow alien organs!

Love that squirrel! I wish I was good at original caricature from observation.

Bob said...

GIRLS!!! The second one down has some real nice shapes.

Ryan Kramer said...

trolls, girls, and squirrels....together at last!

David Germain said...

Awww! How come the troll didn't die a horrible death? That's the only complaint I have with this post.

Your drawings are top notch as usual, man. Keep up the excellent work.

Joseph Lee said...

I love the energy to these sketches! Very nice!

Mitch Leeuwe said...

Wow looks great!

Benjamin Arcand said...

It ain't crap.. . that's for sure.
GREAT update man!

Mike Moloney said...

that Troll's expression in the second panel made me laugh out loud. Really funny!

X said...

Mercy! I don't wanna have to see troll self-abuse. The squirrel is hilarious. Your stuff is great, if these are crap then I can't wait to see the good ones.

ivan ives said...

hardly the worst update ever. i'd say #22 probably was the worst. the one where you busted a **** on a *****. jk man. man we missed malo's yesterday i forgot :(

Unknown said...

This post isn't crap at all. I want to see more from the troll character. Trolls on computers, I'm sure there's a goldmine of comedy there. Maybe trolls in the workplace?

Kristen McCabe said...

Love those squirrels! ......that try to get a nut to move yo butt!


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